Who we are

Our website address is: https://mobileshive.com

Mobileshive (“we”, “our”, “us”) uses this privacy policy to describe our firm commitment to your privacy. The following describes our information collection and dissemination practices for this site: “Mobileshive” at https://mobileshive.com. We try to protect your private information so that you can have a pleasant viewing experience on our site.

We will not sell, rent, trade or disclose your personally identifiable information to anyone, except as explained in this policy. Please come back to this page from time to time, as we will update this statement as our services continue to grow. We welcome and encourage questions, comments and suggestions.

If you have any questions, please contact us at contact(at)mobileshive(dot)com

Personal identifiable information

What is personally identifiable information

Personally identifiable information (“Personal Information”, “Personal Identification Information” or “PII”) is or may be identified by any of the following: name, address, email address, telephone number and credit card information.

Where we collect personally identifiable information

Mobileshive collects personally identifiable information when (1)Comments  (2) share content or use the “tell a friend” option , (3) You join our mailing list.

Cookies and information

A cookie is a small piece of data that is sent to your browser by a web server and stored on your computer’s hard drive. Cookies store information about using a particular website or service and are generally used to make services more convenient and personal. Most cookies are “session cookies”, which are automatically deleted every time you leave a website, although some cookies remain on your computer until they are removed. Automatically collected data may include log and device data, for example when our servers automatically log information about your visit, including browser and / or device data.

This data may include the web address you visited on our site, the type / model of device you are using, the operating system, browser type, device identifiers, IP addresses, mobile phone or network operator or other information, geographical information. or the time zone. Whether we collect this type of information often depends on your devices and settings and whether you make this data available through your device.

Third-party cookies

When placing ads on this site, our third-party advertisers (including, but not limited to, Google, Facebook, Amazon, AOL / Oath, Yahoo, YouTube and / or others) may insert or recognize a unique “cookie” in your browser.

How we use cookies

(1) Estimate the number of visitors to our website

(2) To measure overall traffic patterns.

(3) Personalize the information and services we provide to you on the website.

Your browser controls how cookies are used and can be set not to allow them. However, some parts of Resort’s website may not work properly if your browser rejects our cookies.

From time to time, we may use cookies to store your postcode and email address for use with some current or future services such as email update lists, electronic email service per hour, time profile scheduling, local profile scheduling, film and cinema.

Notify and disable cookies

Most browsers allow you to set your browser to accept, reject or notify the use of cookies. However, some parts of the site may not work properly if your browser is about to reject cookies.

To whom we disclose personally identifiable information

Mobileshive will not sell, rent, trade or disclose your personally identifiable information to anyone other than as explained in this policy. Mobileshive may disclose certain personal information to our affiliates for research, marketing, service delivery assistance and / or any other purpose permitted herein.

We may also disclose information, including PII, to outside companies that help Mobileshive. with administration and distribution of Place letters, promotional games, quiz competitions and lotteries. For example, a company administering sweepstakes may use your email address to update you on the status of the contest.

Alternatively, our Places letters may be delivered by another company who will use your email or delivery address for delivery. The Mobileshive website contains links to other websites. Although we do not provide any personally identifiable information to these companies, we cannot guarantee your privacy once you have left the lix. website.

Mobileshive is not responsible for the policies, practices or privacy content of any linked website on our site.

Mobileshive may also disclose your personal information to law enforcement personnel, government officials or others when we believe, in our sole discretion, that disclosure is necessary to prevent violations of the law, injury to persons or property or any damage to Mobileshive. or others.

Service providers, agents or other third party contractors (“Service Providers”) who can help us provide services or perform the service on our behalf, may employ service providers to provide advertising, marketing, communications, customer service, data analytics. and improvement or other services.

These service providers may have access to your PII to provide those services. Third party vendors may collect certain information that we request on our behalf. We ask service providers to agree to take reasonable steps to keep the personal information we provide (or access) secure. We do not authorize service providers to disclose your PII except to the extent necessary to provide the services.

In addition, we will disclose PII or other information to comply with the legal process or as required and to comply with the law to protect our users. This disclosure occurs when we believe it is reasonably necessary to comply with any law, regulation or legal / governmental application, subpoena, court order or other legal process, including any litigation to which we are a party or other legal or regulatory process .

Such disclosure may also occur to investigate and / or enforce suspected or actual violations of this policy or our Terms of Service or to protect the security, rights or property of others. Disclosure may also occur if it is believed that any actual, threatened or probable breach of security, technical problem or illegal activity should be investigated, detected, prevented or addressed.

In addition, we (or our service providers) may be involved in a merger, acquisition, derivative, bankruptcy, liquidation, reorganization or other transaction, where information, including PII, may be transferred. Information, including PII, may be an asset that we pass on or acquire in any such transaction.

By submitting information and using our services, you receive and acknowledge that all subsequent uses, transactions, disclosures and / or transfers of information may occur and are authorized by you.


We collect personally identifiable information such as your first and last name and email address when you sign up for our email list. These email services provide Mobileshive users with free updates. From time to time, we may also send you promotional messages and information from Mobileshive.

You can opt out of receiving these secondary communications by sending a email in the subject line to contact(at)mobileshive(dot)com

Demographic information

Demographic information can be collected on the website. Information will only be shared with third parties in an aggregate format.

Public forums

This website makes ballot papers and bulletins available to their users. Remember that all information disclosed in these areas becomes public information and you should exercise caution when deciding to disclose your personal views.

No personally identifiable information is available to the public or other users and voting is anonymous. However, when using the message boards, your username and email address, which are personally identifiable information provided by you, are available on the message boards.

Log files

mobileshive, using its own systems and other systems (such as Google, Alexa, or Quantcast, among others) automatically records information such as IP, ISP, and browser-like addresses, but does not link the information with information like the known one. in person.

We use your IP address to find out about problems with our server and to administer our site. Your IP address is used to gather broad demographic information.

Sharing other information

Mobileshive is concerned with “enhanced by” relationships as described more fully here. Mobileshive does not share any personally identifiable information with third parties, other than its partners as described herein, and will otherwise share the information in aggregate form only. We use external advertising companies to display advertisements on our website.

These ads may contain cookies. Although we use cookies elsewhere in our site, ad networks collect advertising cookies through banners and we do not have access to this information.

Process your information

We rely on the following legal grounds to process your information:

  • i) contract performance: we may need to collect and use your information, including PII, to fulfill our obligations;
  • ii) legitimate benefits: we may use your information, including PII, in our legitimate interest to provide and improve our services and content, as well as to provide marketing or other services, including with or on behalf of our partners ;
  • iii) consent: we may use your information, including PII, subject to your consent, which you may revoke by contacting us as stated earlier in this document.

Third Party Advertising

We use third party advertising companies to serve ads when you visit our site. In particular, this site uses the services of a variety of advertisers, representative companies and networks, including but not limited to Google, Facebook,  YouTube and / or others to serve and / or target advertising, promotions and other marketing messages when you visit our site.

More specifically, the third-party advertising technology that we and our advertising partners use on this site uses information derived from your visits to this site to target advertising on this site. In addition, our advertisers may use other third-party advertising technologies to target advertising on this and other websites. During the ads offered to you, one or more unique third-party cookies may be placed in your browser.

These companies may use information (other than your name, address, email address or telephone number) about your visits to this and other websites to place advertisements on this and other websites for goods and services and may be of interest to you. If you would like to learn more about this practice and know that these companies are not using this information, please click here.

We also use web beacons, provided by third-party advertising companies, to help manage and optimize some of our online advertising. Web beacons allow us to identify a browser cookie when a browser visits this site, to know which advertising banners are bringing users to our site and to send more relevant ads of those web pages used by ad providers using Doubleclick.


This site has security measures in place to protect the loss, misuse and alteration of the information under our control. Employees are regularly briefed on security policies and practices at staff meetings. Access to data is limited and employees access log files with a secure password.

Contains information for children

Children under 13 are not permitted to use the Sites. Children under the age of 13 are not knowingly subject to Mobileshives collection of personal information. We do not solicit personal information from children under 13 years of age without parental consent. Mobileshives will immediately delete a child’s information from the Sites if Mobileshives discovers that the child has provided Mobileshives with personal information without parental consent.

Please contact us immediately at admin(at)Mobileshives(dot)com if you believe that we have received personal information about a child under 13 without their consent.

The California Online Privacy Protection Act

We do not sell or share the personal information you provide us to third parties for their direct marketing purposes unless you affirmatively consent.

Questions About This Policy

By logging into your Mobileshive account and editing your profile, you can review and change your information.

If you have any questions about our privacy policies, please contact us at

E-mail: contact(at)mobileshive(dot)com

If we believe changing or deleting personally identifiable information would violate any law or legal requirement, or if it would lead to incorrect information, then we may not accommodate the request.