It is advisable for readers to treat all product recommendations on any review site with a level of skepticism, but assuming that all reviews are invalid simply because the reviewer has been paid a commission would be a mistake.

The following are some of the reader protections we try to incorporate into our reviews:

  • Several reviews contain a great deal of factual information that can be easily verified. We always strive to provide an honest and accurate assessment.
  • In addition to a subjective summary, the review includes a section regarding the user’s impressions. It is based on personal experience of the auditor.
  • Our reviews always provide links to the manufacturer’s web site in order to provide additional information.
  • It is possible to find customer testimonials, product specifics, sales information, free newsletters, and even samples in this section.

It is a good idea to follow these guidelines. You must understand the relationship between a product reviewer and its manufacturer as a consumer.

In the absence of a disclosure policy on the review site, the reviewer may be breaking the law. Hopefully, the reviews and articles we provide will be of use and meaning to you.

You are welcome to provide any feedback that can help us improve the experience you have on this site.

This website doesn’t make any representations, warranties or guarantees regarding the accuracy, currency or completeness of the content located on it or any other website linked to it.